Gain understanding and better insight into what is going on with your business by studying the data provided by dashboards within ClientBase®. Just like a car dashboard, the agency dashboard feature provides significant data at a glance to:

Discover strength and weaknesses within your day-to-day operations.

Measure the effectiveness of your marketing.

Develop good habits among the staff at your agency.

Analyze sales data by travel types, new Res Cards, active Res Cards and Res Card cycles.

Find out your business' top 10 marketing codes.

The Dashboard Manager Contains Four Sections:
  1. Agency bulletin -display announcements and other important information to all agents in the agency.
  2. Find a profile – Quickly query a profile and/or type of profile
  3. My to do list – Agents “To Do” list is displayed for easy viewing
  4. Report results – view pre-designed Crystal dashboard reports